Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friends and the city-part 2

Me: Hey, how about “Sex and the city” on Friday evening…the 4 of us…

Friend: Sure, I can get the tickets done

Me: Ok, Meet us outside the theatre by 6…

Cut to 5 years, marriage and 1 kid later:

Me: Hey, how about “Sex and the city-part 2” on Friday evening….the four of us

Friend: Am not sure…

Me: Ok, we[the rest 3 of us] will let you know the reviews

After many such earlier instances, you begin to wonder…especially if the last instance is about a movie with 4 women who manage to find time for each other through their busy lives and one of your BFF’s is not able to accompany you.

Call it being emphatic, lucky or plain design…I always like some “Me” time…and have maintained it that way all through my life through school, college, “being single, fancy-free and footloose” days till present day.

How, where and when does the priority change for many a women who end up assenting to the whims and fancies of the husband/family members, suppressing their personal interests and friendships and subsequently complaining they feel upset about going out of touch and not having friends of their own. Their lives become so entwined with that of their spouses/kids that the concept of personal space and time seems to be non-existent. They feel guilty about even considering spending some time on their own[it could be a trip to the salon, shopping on their own or just about ADT]. So much so that they even consider it blasphemous if you propose such a “girls-only” time. And if they do show up, they are so consumed by the guilt of not being around to baby-sit and watch over their kid(s) that all they speak about is the kid(s) and what they do with them mooting the whole get-together.

In case you are still wondering about the odd title of the blog, Friends and the city-Part 1 implicitly refers to the ‘Single Woman” days when girl friends never had an issue catching up, going out or staying up and over at each others’ places despite some occasional stiff disapproving looks/stares/opinions from family.

So while you mull over this, I am off…for what else…some ‘Me” time of course!



The author wishes to state that the opinions expressed are only her own and completely respect the multiple reasons/excuses women may have for making their respective choices.

1 comment:

  1. I wished, I would have also made an habbit of 'Me' time but somehow was not able to after marriage.. but definetly is gonna try this soon before I get completely crazy :D
