Saturday, June 6, 2009

Battle with the bulge

I hate digital weighing scales. While they tell you the truth in numbers, as they bear, you cannot bear to see the numbers on it. Especially if it is not one of those encouraging ones. Yet religiously I have managed to get into the habit[practice...duh! not the dress "habit"] of weighing myself daily harbouring the faint hope that one morning, miraculously, I might end up 10 pounds lighter than the previous day by an overnight sleep therapy. Alas! That was never to be...ok, atleast so far.

I have started to abhor it especially after my vacation to India and back. I have no idea how the scale tipped up by another 6 pounds post my return. When I went to India, I had remarks like..."Wow, even after 8 months, you look just the same". So I told myself that If Cheese and butter and chocolate didnt make me fat, then maybe 3 weeks in India might not do much damage. How wrong I was!!!

I didnt indulge myself much. Ok, now dont sneer at me like that. I did indulge...but the keyword here is "not much". Which means the indulgences I thought might hike the scale's numbers was something I didnt indulge in. So obviously I had to be on the right track. Well, thats what I thought. But except for me, everything and everyone seemed to think othewise. I came back many pounds heavier...this includes me, my luggage and my "kaapi podi".

So I told myself that it wasnt something difficult to shake off...Its not water on a lotus leaf, but its not milk adulterated with cornstarch either. Hence those extra pounds must melt away if I followed a diet and did some rigorous walking. Except that it hasnt turned out to be that easy. After 2 unsuccesful GM diet stints...I even did a modified GM diet where I would follow the diet and yet give myself an allowance of 2 filter kaapis a day... and walking to and around the mall many times...the additonal pounds seem to have a mind of their own and refuse to go away. Well, what can I say...If you can't fight it, join it. Need I say more...

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